Thursday, May 26, 2011

White House State Dinners

Vanity Fair (June 2010) had a great piece on White House State Dinners featuring interviews with the living social secretaries from the last few administrations. Interesting insight into the priorities for certain presidents, the number of events hosted (and for whom) and how they're viewed today.

Check it out HERE.

More Murdoch Tales

This time an excerpt in Vanity Fair (June 2010) from Sarah Ellison's book "War at the Wall Street Journal" featuring insight into the power among Murdoch, WSJ managing editor Robert Thomson and former editor Marcus Brauchli.

Check it out HERE.

World Cup Fever

Also in the June 2010 issue of Vanity Fair, an article and some cool photos (Annie Leibovitz of course) about some high profile World Cup players - relevant at the time, but I just got to it. (I know.)

Check it out HERE.

La Famiglia Zegna

Vanity Fair (June 2010) featured a short blurb on the Zegna family titled "Dream Weavers" in honor of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Zegna company.

I thought this picture was pretty cool. Check out the info HERE.

Irish Castles - History, Family, Tradition

Take a look at Budget Travel Magazine's article on the "Real Castles or Ireland." Great photos.

Check it out HERE.

Who Knew Tofu Could Be Interesting?

Bon Appetit, in their February 2010 issue, takes readers on a journey to Kyoto where tofu-making is a fine art. "From elaborate feasts to street food - even donuts - freshly made bean curd is an essential ingredient." Who knew?

Check it out HERE.

Inside Google's Brain

Wired takes a look at the (in)famous Google algorithm. Check it out HERE.

The Future of Money

Web payments are all the rage. Wired article from Feb 2010 issue.

Check it out HERE.